April 8, 2024
NIH/NIEHSThe awards the Pedersen lab & colleagues at Vala Sciences a Phase II SBIR/STTR grant
The Pedersen lab & colleagues at Vala Sciences (co-PI: McDonough) have been awarded a direct to Phase II SBIR/STTR grant from NIH/NIEHS (R44 ES036385-01), entitled: “An assay suite featuring hiPSC-derived neurons and support cells, to test toxicants and industrial chemicals for developmental neurotoxic effects”. This program will develop in vitro assays to test compounds for potential developmental neurotoxic (DNT) effects. Neurodevelopmental disorders (NDs, including autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disabilities, attention-deficit/hyperactivity, and others) affect at least 15% of people in the USA, appear in childhood/early adulthood, and cannot be cured (Figure 1).
We will develop models to test environmental toxicants for neurodevelopmental effects using human iPSC-derived cells, which will be more predictive than current tests. By evaluating neural circuitry and blood brain barrier (BBB) effects, we will address a current critical gap in the DNT battery coverage, resulting in valuable scientific understanding and allowing for better protection of pregnant mothers, infants, children and young adults.
Figure 1: Developmental neurotoxicity.